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[EBS 반디] POWER English~! (ft. 크리스틴초, 카메론리워드)

by 림스토리 2021. 12. 8.


함께 복습해요~!

1. try one's hand at something

- to do something one has never done before

시험 삼아서 ~해 보다

ex) At the age of 60, my dad decided to try his hand at bodybuilding.

60세에 아버지는 보디빌딩에 도전하기로 결심하셨다.


2. in control of something

- having final authority over sonething

~을 장악하는[동제하는]

ex) In my household, my wife is in control of all the spending.

우리 집에서는 아내가 모든 지출을 관리한다.


3. in no time

- very soon; quickly

곧, 당장

ex) We'll be home in no time.

우리는 곧 집에 도착할 거야.

