반응형 파워잉글리쉬4월호1 [파워잉글리쉬]Vacation Disasters and Mishaps: I Stepped on a Hornet! Vacation Disasters and Mishaps: I Stepped on a Hornet!휴가 참사 및 사고: 말벌을 밟았어! fall for someone-to suddenly have strong romantic feelings for someone ~에게 홀딱 반하다 ex)Mike always falls for women who are taller than him for some reason. 마이크는 무슨 이유에서인지 항상 자기보다 키가 더 큰 여성들에게 반한다. put someone through something-to cause someone to experience difficulty ~를 (곤경.불쾌한 일 등을) 겪게 하다 ex) The soldiers were put through.. 2023. 4. 23. 이전 1 다음 반응형