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[오랜지지] 동기부여

[동기부여 모닝콜 DAY70]

by 림스토리 2022. 3. 11.

동기부여 모닝콜 시작합니다.

나는 단어선택의 중요성을 알고 리더의 언어를 사용합니다.

I know why my words matter and use the language of leadership.


긍정확언 필사 영문

Don't talk about what you hate to do,
Talk aboit what you love to do.

Don't talk about what makes you tired, Talk about what makes you inspired.

Don't talk about your past,
Talk aboit your future.

Don't talk about what dispirits you,

Talk about what you are fueled by.

Don't talk about the things within your life that are not working,

Talk about the things in your life that are working.

Don't talk about your paon,
Talk about your pleasure.

Bottom line is this; you are built to be a leader.
You are not constructed to be a victim.

Once you get your words right, you are going to start noticing daily shifts in your energy, your focua, your momentum, your confidence, and your output.

When you start getting those words right, you start lifting your professional life, your personal life to a whole new level of WOW.

Guess what? That is what you are meant to do.


