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[Power English] Budget Travel in Thailand: Chilling Out Phuket

by 림스토리 2022. 1. 18.

be/get stuck in/at somewhere
-to have no way to leave a place

~에 갇히다.
ex)Tony got stuck in the bathroom because the lock broke.
자물쇠가 고장나서 토니는 화장실에 갇혔다.

☆chill out
-to relax; to do nothing

휴식을 취하다.
ex) We chilled out in the lounge while waiting for our flight.
우리는 비행기를 기다리는 동안 라운지에서 휴식을 취했다.

☆be in someone else's shoes
- to feel or react in the same situation as someone else

다른사람의 입장이 되다.
ex) If I were in his shoes, I would keep my mouth shut and not cause any more trouble.

☆Be careful what you wish for.
말이 씨가 될 수도 있어요.

ex) Be careful what you wish for.
Being a fashion model isn't what you think.
패션 모델이 되는 것은 당신이 생각하는 그런게 아니에요.
