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[영놀] 영이랑 영어랑

[Power English] Know Your Limits

by 림스토리 2022. 1. 13.

☆the key to something
-the most important factor

~의 핵심[비결]
ex) The key to good bread is high-quality flour.

☆know one's limits
-to be aware of extent of one's abilities

~의 한계를 알다.
ex)Bill gets drunk easily because he doesn't know his own limits with alcohol.

☆learning curve
-the degree of difficulty in learning something

ex) The learning curve isn't going to be steep for someone with experience in sales.

♧ What happened to...?
~에 무슨 일이 있었나요?
ex) What happened to this kitchen? It's mess!

언어 배움의 핵심, 비결은
실수를 두려워하지 않는 것과 꾸준히 공부하는 것입니다.
