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파워잉글리쉬 복습~! 👍🏻💕

by 림스토리 2021. 12. 21.


Power English~!

함께 복습해요~!



Maybe I’m being humble,

-제가 겸손한 건지도 모르지만,


* brand identity

- how a brand wishes to be known through it’s marketing

브랜드 정체성

Ex) Their brand identity changed a lot to become the hip company it is seem as today.


* be first to market

-to be the initial product or service in a particular niche

시장에 최초로 진출하다.

Ex) Bitcoin was first to market among cryptocurrencies, which is why it’s still the most valuable.


*the right place at the right time

-being fortunate in one’s timing and choices

적시 적소

Ex) I met my wife on a crowded train. I guess I was in the right place at the right time.



From what I’ve seen,...

제가 본 바로는, ~
