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[영놀] 영이랑 영어랑

Power English Review~💕

by 림스토리 2021. 12. 21.


* get word from someone

-to receive a message or communication

~에게서 통지를 받다.

Ex) We got word from the scouts that the enemy was planning to attack tonight.


*put the blame on someone/something

-to attribute cause for something to someone/something

~를 탓하다; ~에게 책임을 떠넘기다.

Ex) My sister always put the blame on me whenever something bad happened.


*squeeze something in

- to make time for something despite a full schedule

(몹시 바쁜데도 불구하고) ~을 위한 짬을 내다.

Ex) I need to squeeze in a trip to the hair salon this week.

