반응형 카메론리워드29 [Power English] Budget Traval in Thailand: Street Food and Happy Hour ☆ When in Rome, do as the Romans do. -to ack like a local when visiting a place 로마에 가면 로마법을 따르라. ☆food stalls (길거리 음식을 파는) 노점,포장마차 ☆authentic Thai food 정통 태국음식 ☆fake Italian food 가짜 이탈리아 음식 ☆be on the lookout for something/someone -to watch for something/ someone specific ~을 세심히 살피다[지켜보다] ☆a keen eye for something -a special ability to recognize a particular thing ~에 대한 예리한 안목 ☆in this case, ..... 2022. 1. 11. [Power English] Growing My Own Food: Scaling Up Power English 함께 복습해요~!! large/small-scale - extensive/limited in scope 대규모의/소규모의 ex) The furniture company was a small-scale business that made luxury bed frames by hand. 그 가구 회사는 고급 침대 프레임을 수작업으로 만드는 소규모 사업체였다. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ map something out - to plan or design something ~을 계획하다. ex) My new apartment was smaller, so I had to map out where my furniture went very carefull.. 2021. 12. 27. [Power English~!] Hair and Salon: Do You Want Long Nails? ☆함께 복습해요~!! 1. Second to none -better than anything or anyone else 아무에게도 뒤지지 않는 ex) The famois pastry chef' s cakes are second to none. 2. just right - perfect; not too much or too little of something 딱 적당한 ex) The temperature of the ocean was just right for swimming in August. 3. open to something - willing to listen to other ideas or try something new ~의 대해 열린 마음을 가진 ex) My boss is open to hea.. 2021. 12. 22. 파워잉글리쉬 복습~! 👍🏻💕 Power English~! 함께 복습해요~! Maybe I’m being humble, -제가 겸손한 건지도 모르지만, * brand identity - how a brand wishes to be known through it’s marketing 브랜드 정체성 Ex) Their brand identity changed a lot to become the hip company it is seem as today. * be first to market -to be the initial product or service in a particular niche 시장에 최초로 진출하다. Ex) Bitcoin was first to market among cryptocurrencies, which is why.. 2021. 12. 21. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 다음 반응형